Individual Online Dutch Lessons via Skype.

Tailormade individual lessons, by an experienced professional Dutch Teacher.

My name is Ida Mathilde and I am a professional and certified Dutch teacher. I have given over 2000 lessons online.

Student reviews

Ik vond de cursus leuk! Je moet elke week een presentatie maken, dus je leert veel nieuwe worden. Ik denk dat het is goed te combineren met andere cursussen.

Review by:
Philip Robinson

Structured course A1/A2

The twelve-week course was extremely helpful. Ida creates an encouraging atmosphere and is a patient teacher. The lessons had a balance between grammar from the text book and free conversation and by the end of the course we were able to be more spontaneous with this. I now feel much more confident about speaking in Dutch and may well go back to The Dutch Online Academy for more tuition in the future.'

Review by:
Laith S

Conversation course A2

I love the different themes and the follow-up questions. Other student's answers gave me a different perspective of the world. Hence; I learned not only some Dutch but also about other countries & cultures; which is fun!

Review by:
Natalia Torro

Conversation C1

Ik vond het super leuk door de interessante onderwerpen en de kans om met andere mensen te praten. Dat was een goede uitdaging voor mij omdat ik privé lessen neem.

Review by:
Robson Campos

A2 Grammar Boost

De cursus "Grammar Boost A2" is een uitstekende manier om Nederlands te leren. Als je je Nederlandse grammatica wilt verbeteren, raad ik het aan, omdat de lessen erg dynamisch en praktisch zijn en Ida veel kennis heeft van de Nederlandse taal, ze geeft ons elke week les en legt de inhoud van de les uit met grote efficiëntie, gemak en enthousiasme.

Review by:
Christina L.

Put it into practice A2

Als je op zoek bent naar een cursus met een beetje meer structuur dan een conversatie cursus dan is deze cursus voor jou. Ida combineert interessante onderwerpen met nuttige grammatica constructies in deze "A2 Put it into practice."

Review by:
Uwe A.

B2 conversation course

De cursus heeft me echt geholpen om mijn kennis van het Nederlands te verbeteren. In een groep van weinig deelnemers had iedereen de kans om deel te nemen aan de discussie. Ida zorgde ervoor dat iedereen evenveel aan bod kwam. Ik vond de keuze van de onderwerpen erg goed. Natuurlijk was het een voordeel dat we een zeer levendige en interessante groep hadden. De cursus voldeed heel goed aan mijn verwachtingen.

Review by:

Share your story course

Ik heb veel conversatiecursussen gevolgd. Maar de "Deel je Verhaal-cursus" is heel anders en heel nuttig. Ik heb al veel geleerd toen ik de presentatie aan het voorbereiden was. De voorbereiding neemt ook niet veel tijd in beslag. Omdat je tijdens de presentatie meer en coherenter spreekt dan in de "normale" conversatiecursus, krijg je ook een meer individuele feedback. Warmste aanbeveling voor de cursus!

Review by:
D.B. Frank

B2 conversation course

De Conversatiecursus B2 bood mij een geweldige kans om mijn gesproken Nederlands te verbeteren. De docent moedigde de deelnemers aan en creëerde een ontspannen sfeer, maar ze liet geen taalfouten van ons gaan. Er was een goede mix van mensen, discussieonderwerpen, serieuze studie van de taal en humor. Ik kan deze cursus zonder aarzeling aanbevelen.

Review by:
Dr. Martha Montero-Sieburth

Grammar Boost B1

Ik probeer nu al zes jaar Nederlands te leren en heb veel leraren gehad, maar weinigen waren zo geduldig en begripvol. Ik vond je aanpak, je directe werk met ons en het modelleren van zinnen met ons heel nuttig. Je kunt erop rekenen dat ik samen met jou Nederlands blijf leren!

We are not able to onboard new students at the moment. Please leave your informationin the contact form belowand we will be back to you as soon as possible.

If you are a current student, just write to your teacher and you will receive a link to proceed as usual

Private one hour lessons

With homework & feedback

The lessons will give you insight into your strengths and weaknesses and boost your learning process. It is recommended to book multiple lessons, so I will get to know your learning style, level and goals better.

Each lesson includes:

  • Private 55 mins online lesson
  • Individual & relevant homework
  • Homework corrections and progress feedback
  • Tailormade exercises and practice documents
  • Comfortable per lesson calendar scheduling
  • Available on weekdays and weekends (evenings included)
One lesson price55€55€/lessonContact form
5 Package price250€50€/lessonContact formSave 25€

Are you an organization? We can addapt to your special needs, Contact us for more info

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I pay by transfer?

    We now do accept transfers as a payment method. Just send us an email to" and we will send you the booking links and give you more details!
  • How does the onboarding lesson work?

    You will have a level overview and some practice and homework. During the trial lessons we can get to know each other and set learning goals together. I can get an impression of your level and needs and I will share my thoughts with you. After the lesson you will get a homework assignment that I will correct for you.
  • Can you tell me a bit more about yourself?

    I am a Dutch teacher, living in Spain. I used to teach Dutch at a school in the Netherland (near Nijmegen), but I moved to Spain in 2017, which made me explore the possibilities to teach Dutch online. I also taught Dutch at a language institute. I am still learning Spanish myself and I know the process is long and difficult at times, but I enjoy the little moments of success. The feeling that conversations get more and more natural is really rewarding. In my free time I enjoy running, reading, spending time with family and friends and cooking (+ eating ;)).
  • How are the lessons structured?

    During our first lesson I can get an idea of your level and your needs. I have a wide range of topics, speaking exercises and articles we can use. Of course I will give you feedback on your pronounciaton, use of grammar and vocabulary. If you have a specific topic you would like to work on, you can either bring it to class or let me know in advance via e-mail. Bare in mind that I will have to get to know your level and needs a little bit to help you best, I therefor strongely recommend multiple lessons. I will always share with you what I have in mind for the homework and our next lesson.
  • I don't know what I need to work on. Is that a problem?

    Absolutely not. I will quickly get an idea of your needs and will share my opinion with you.
  • I want to combine our lessons with self study, is that possible?

    I will diagnose your strengths and opportunities to develop your Dutch further. You will receive homework (normally using Google Docs). This is usually a mix of writing, reading, grammar and listening exercises but it largely depends on your needs and goals. I will correct the homework for you and we can discuss it during our next lesson if necessary
  • How do we talk?

    Via Skype or Zoom.
  • Will there be room for informal conversation during our lesson?

    Yes. Informal conversation is important, since it reflects conversations you could have outside the lessons. Moreover, it is a way to get to know your learning style and interests. I will motivate you to expand your vocabulary and grammar, by also adding more structured speaking exercises to our lessons.
  • How do you tailor the lessons to my needs?

    By listening to how you like to learn, what your learning history is and what your interests are. I will quickly get an image of your level during a first lesson and always share my thoughts and ideas with you. I believe you as a student are the owner of your learning process, The Dutch Online Academy should motivate and guide you, giving you the right tools to get where you want to be.
  • I would like to work with a book. Is that possible?

    Yes, during our first lesson we can discuss which book you would like to use. I can also give you advice if you do not know which books are suitable for you.
  • I would like to prepare for an exam. Is that possible?

    Yes. I have experience preparing students for het inburgeringsexamen and het staatsexamen NT2.

So... Do you want to start with your Dutch lessons?

Do you have any question or want to know more?

Feel free to contact me, I try to respond in less than 24 hours.