Relative Clause
With explanations and exercises
- Language: Dutch and English
- Level: B1
- Pages: 33
- Format: PDF
Price: 9.2€
Finally, a PDF about the relative clause.
Once you know how the relative clause is formed, you'll gain control over complex sentences.
The relative clause gives extra information about a noun. For example:
This is the bike (that) I bought yesterday.
Dit is de fiets die ik gisteren heb gekocht.
The relative clause gives extra information about the bike.
The thing is that in Dutch, you have a few different ways to form the relative clause. De/het plays a role, but you'll also have to pay attention to prepositions.
This is the bike (that) I've been riding for three years.
Dit is de fiets waar ik al drie jaar op rijd.
In this PDF you'll find a complete overview with:
- lots of examples
- explanations in Dutch and English
- the difference between dat, die, waar + preposition and preposition + wie
- exercises
- answers
- a list with common verbs with prepostions