Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs

With explanations and exercises

  • Language: English and Dutch
  • Level: A2
  • Pages: 17
  • Format: PDF (Digital edition)
Price: 6
Reflexive verbs (in Dutch also called wederkerende werkwoorden) are verbs that bring a reflexive pronoun along (me, je, zich, ons).
Example: Ik haast me naar de supermarkt. haasten is reflexive and me is the reflexive pronoun.
In this PDF you will learn and practice:
  • reflexive pronouns
  • the word order and the place of the reflexive pronoun (in different types of sentences)
  • the difference between verbs that are always reflexive and verbs that are not
  • when to use "me" and when "mezelf"
  • a list of common reflexive verbs