Learn the theory
The four B's are the most important emotions in Dutch: Bang, Boos, Bedroefd and of course Blij.
Below is a list of more specific emotions, so that you can express your feelings well!

- Bedroefd Sad
- Verdrietig Sad
- Teleurgesteld Disappointed
- Beschaamd Shameful
- Verveeld (ik ben verveeld, ik verveel me) Bored
- Schuldig Guilty
- Eenzaam Lonely
- Depressief Depressed
- Minderwaardig Inferior
- Boos Angry
- Kwaad Pissed off
- Woest Furious
- Vijandig Hostile
- Agressief Aggressive
- Gekwetst Hurt
- Jaloers Jealous
- Gefrustreerd Frustrated
- Ontevreden Dissatisfied
- Bang Scared
- Verward Confused
- Afgewezen Rejected
- Hulpeloos Helpless
- Onzeker Insecure
- Angstig Scared
- Verlegen Shy
- Verloren Lost
- Gespannen Tense
- Wanhopig Desperate
- Blij Happy
- Opgewonden Excited
- Vrolijk cheerful
- Energiek Energetic
- Gelukkig Happy (long term, deep feeling)
- Hoopvol Hopeful
- Optimistisch Optimistic
- Verrast Surprised
- Krachtig Powerful
- Gemotiveerd motivated
- Geïnspireerd inspired
- Trots Proud
- Gewaardeerd Appreciated
- Succesvol Succesful
- Zelfverzekerd Confident
- Tevreden Satisfied
- Vertrouwend trusting
- Liefhebbend Loving
- Dankbaar Thankful
- Veilig Safe
- Ontspannen Relaxed
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Gelukkig is usually used for a longer and more general state of happiness. If you say "ik ben gelukkig", you're usually saying you like your life, you are happy with your life. "Blij" is used for the more short term emotion. Hope this helps!
Gelukkig is usually used for a longer and more general state of happiness. If you say "ik ben gelukkig", you're usually saying you like your life, you are happy with your life. "Blij" is used for the more short term emotion. Hope this helps!